时间:2025-02-09 点击数:
When Apple first unveiled AirPods in 2016, the wireless earbuds were mocked by some who suggested they looked like electronic toothbrushes dangling from ears. Now the headphones have become one of Apples most beloved products, and the company is doubling down.2016年苹果首次发售AirPod时,有人取笑这款无线耳塞像悬挂在耳朵上的电动牙刷。现在这款耳机出了苹果最热门的产品之一,公司也在这款产品上更为下功夫。On Monday, Apple (AAPL) unveiled a high-end version of its popular AirPods. The new headphones have a new design, new features -- including noise cancellation technology -- and a higher price tag.周一苹果发售了热卖的AirPod的高端新品。这款新的耳机设计精致,功能创意,使用了噪音避免技术,价格也更高。
The premium version will cost $249. AirPods currently start at $159.高级版售价249美元,目前AirPod的低于售价为159美元。The company was widely expected to host its annual October event and unveil the new AirPods alongside other hardware products such as the iPad and MacBook Pro. Instead, it announced the product in a press release on Monday.公众期望苹果在10月份一年一度的发布会上和iPad和MacBook Pro等其他硬件产品一起发售这款新的AirPod,但该公司在周一的新闻稿中发布了这一新产品。In the release, the company referred to AirPods as the best-selling headphones in the world and said the new model will hit stores on Wednesday.苹果在新闻稿中说道AirPod是“世界最畅销耳机”,还说道新型号将于周三上市。The AirPods Pro comes with advanced noise cancellation technology, flexible ear tips to better fit in the users ears and a transparency mode, which lets customers listen to music while still hearing the surrounding environment, Apple said.苹果公司说道AirPods Pro使用了高级的减震技术,有弹性的入耳部位更加契合用户的耳朵,还有半透明模式,让消费者听音乐时也能听到周围的声音。
Other new features include audio sharing, which allows users to sync up with a second pair of AirPods to listen to the same song or watch the same movie with a friend, as well as the ability for Siri to speak incoming messages.追加功能还有音频分享,用户可以和其他AirPod实时唱歌或和朋友实时看电影,Siri还可以展开消息通报。The decision to introduce a Pro version of AirPods is in line with Apples strategy to roll out a premium version of its most popular products, as its done with Macs, iPhones and iPads.发售AirPod的Pro版本是苹果最热门产品发售高级版本的战略的一部分,Mac、iPhone和 iPad也都有高级版本。The company has declined to share how many AirPods its sold to date, although CEO Tim Cook previously called the demand phenomenal.尽管首席执行官蒂姆·库克此前曾说道这款耳机的需求量“难以置信”,但苹果拒绝接受透漏目前AirPod的销量。